Tuesday, November 26, 2019

buy custom Death and Loss in Dylan Thomas Poetry essay

buy custom Death and Loss in Dylan Thomas' Poetry essay Dylan Thomas was a great and famous writer and poet, who not only wrote poems and plays but also performed them himself. Thomass poetry was unique in that it was played in a verbal style as compared to other strict and common verse forms. This paper is a criticism analysis of Dylan Thomass poetry and especially in the poem Death and loss in Dylan Thomas poetry. Analysis of Death and loss in Dylan Thomas poetry The first part of the poem Death shall have no dominion and death shall have no dominion, dead mean naked they shall be one, with the man in the wind and the west moon is a about doom with no light or hope. In other words the first part of this poem simply points at doom. Dylan Thomas introduces this poem in a strong way but with no life or hope at all. He suggests that death can have no dominion on the dead and that the dead can still be one. He does not in any way suggest a way out or portray a ray of hope. (Thomas, 1971) The second part of the first paragraph, Dylan suggests that the dead can no longer feel pain or be subjected to torture. This means that in Dylans mind, his life or the life of the people he was referring to is fixed to in the meaning of their death. In other word Dylans poem simply means that the only hope of these people is in their death. This is because in their death, they shall be free from the blows and torture that they are currently experiencing in their lives. However other critics have suggested that this first paragraph shows great hope and redemption. The critics have argued that this poem is a poem of hope and that everything mad, harsh insane and evil is overcome in the event of death or after death. The best line in the poem that drew many good reviews of the poem is though lovers be lost, love will not. This according to many analysts is a sign of hope. They argue that this line means that love will live on even after death. They also argue that this line talks of the preservation of life. According to this analyst, this poem is a very positive poem. However, the nature and flow of this poem has no positive attributes. Other analysts call it a religious theme which is not about survival after death but purely about death and destruction both in life and after death. (Thomas, 2003) Dylan wrote many poems that deal with death. For example A refusal to moan this poem refers to end of self esteem and loss of identity as an indiv idual. The poems do not go gentle into that good night has been seen by many analysts as a cry for survival, or a lost cry. The most outstanding character that is seen from this poem is Dylans fear of being left by his father.The line rage, rage against the dying of the light is a sign of the emotions that Dylan was going through or that he felt at the loss. Other analysts have suggested that Dylans was writing about a universal experience .Mostly an experience of how men would react in such a scenario. It all has to do with death but also shows a way of facing the prospect the death of a loved one. Rage, according to Dylan was his reaction to the demise of his father; rage against his father and against death. This is because he had no power to change the course or his father death. Many good reviews on this poem state that one has to be sad sometimes and angry if need be. This poem shows also a rage against the things that would want to bury a person and the inability to change th em. However, other critics have argued that this poem does not offer an option to fight against the things that want to bury them but rage against them. Thus they argue that this is a cowardly way out. Dylan Thomas poetry has a unique flow is woven and dominated by speech rhythms. What was the effect of Dylan Thomas poems to the audience? Dylan Thomas did not only impact and leave a mark in the audience of his time but to date. Dylans poetry continues to draw reaction, views, reviews and criticism from many different people from different walks of life. These poems will continue to impact the generations to come. This is because Dylan Thomas remains a legendary figure of the century. He has also made a permanent mark in the literary history and field. Many recent writers are not only motivated by Dylans poems but also draw inspiration and ideas from these poems. This is simply because of Dylans extraordinary writing style that have touched and changed the very heart of poetry. Many scholars and analyst still can not capture the height of the unique nature of his poetry style. His writing or poetry style was refreshing and odd at the same time. However, Dylans was accused and is still being accused of drowning in language and on whiskey at the same time. However, this was not so, from the history Dylans early history and his sober poems, it is clear that Dylan was very committed to his poems and did not sleep or drown on his job. Dylans unique talent has long been remembered for many decades after his death and will continue to be remembered for many generations. (Thomas, 2000) The big question is who will fill his shoes? Did his talent die with him? What inspired Dylan Thomas to write his poems? Dylan Thomass poems clearly reveal and show a focus from his childhood and his believes. However, some of his poems shoow his believe in a sacred spiritual force that made his life worthwhile .The most outstanding aspects of his poems depict his uncertainty about the darkness and death. He probably wonders if the extensive darkness he experiences or thinks he will experience can ever be brightened. He does not see any hope in the darkness but is overwhelmed with the darkness. He expresses his anger and rage in his poems by a tactful manner and in a unique style. (Thomas, 2003) His unique style captures, attracts and draws attention. This is simply means that Dylan Thomass inspiration to write his poems came from his personal experiences and believes. Some of his quotes such as someones boring me, I think it is me, an alcoholic is someone you do not like and who drinks like you Clearly show how he viewed himself and his low self esteem. Was Dylans death related to the theme in his poems? This question has attracted many reactions, views, and suggestion on the subject. Many people have viewed it as an unfair comparison. However, from his quotes such as a good poem is a contribution to reality analysts suggest that he got what he wished for. Dylan Thomas indulged in heavy drinking from his early days, a vice that had a negative effect on his life as a whole and his marriage as well. His untimely death was because of his drinking. In his poems he talks about rage and anger towards things that he had no control over. His fear and anger for death is clearly seen in his poems. The theme of his poems was death. The poem a refusal to moan death was one of the most popular poems of his time. (Thomas, 2010) This poem was about death. Dylans attitude towards death is clearly seen in this poem. In this poem Dylan or the person he is talking about is concerned and mourns the absurdity of a childs death or an untimely death. To Thomas, the reality of death in his life was very im portant .The reality of death not only made him angry but was also a cause of concern this is because he was concerned mainly about the after life or after death. What comes after death or after his untimely death was a way for him to face his worse fears and experience first hand what happens after life or what happens after death. Conclusion Dylan Thomas was a legendary figure in that made an impact in his time and in the 20th century as well. Dylans poetry will continue to impact the world in many generations to come. The many critics and the criticism will not in any way change the impact that Dylans poems have had. The unique writing style will continue to make history in the generations to come. Buy custom Death and Loss in Dylan Thomas' Poetry essay

Friday, November 22, 2019

How Authors Can Get the Most Out of Twitter

How Authors Can Get the Most Out of Twitter How Authors Can Get the Most Out of Twitter Nathan Bransford is the author of the Jacob Wonderbar series and How to Write a Novel, which NY Times bestselling author Ransom Riggs called â€Å"the best how-to-write-a-novel book I've read." He writes a popular blog on writing and publishing  and  is also available for book editing and consultations on Reedsy. In this guest post, Nathan explains his belated love affair with Twitter.Let me tell you a story about how I joined the human circus, otherwise known as Twitter.I didn’t join it at all.In 2008, while I was boasting to friends that I would never do that whole social media thing, someone created a fake Twitter profile of me, photo and all, and started tweeting out my blog posts! Real people were replying to me and everything.Once I got wind of what was happening, I wrested control of the rogue account and grumpily determined it was time to succumb to social media.So yes. I now have around 93,000 Twitter followers and social media has become a foundational aspect of my entire professional career, but I can also relate to the deep reluctance some of you might have to engage with social media.Take it from me: it pays to be active on social media. Even if you don’t want to be.Here’s how to get the most out of Twitter. Learn 5 ways authors can get the most out of Twitter 1. Learn the basicsLet’s face it. If you're looking for the pulse of the publishing industry, Twitter is the place to go.It’s where many important industry conversations are happening, it’s where agents and editors are tweeting their manuscript wish lists, and it’s where people get into spectacularly heated arguments about arcane publishing topics that may utterly bewilder you.For the uninitiated, Twitter is essentially a stream of short posts. Twitter posts (â€Å"tweets†) are limited to 280 characters so there’s an incentive to be concise, punchy, and witty.You can â€Å"retweet† someone’s tweet, which pushes that tweet out to your followers - some tweets end up going viral and are retweeted tens of thousands of times. You can also share links, post a series of tweets in a â€Å"thread,† and share photos and videos.Speak your heart but mind what you say - everything but Direct Messages is public!2. Start nowDo you hav e any social media questions for Nathan? Or top Twitter tips to share? Let us know in the comments below!

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Movie Response for Japanese film Zatoichi(2003) Review

Response for Japanese film Zatoichi(2003) - Movie Review Example the blind samurai represents the oppressed poor society who struggle for equality in the society through the search for justice for the less privileged. The film portrays the hostility in the Japanese society and the role of the samurai in the struggle for enhancing peace in the society. The blind Zatoichi is hired by Sukegoro a gang-leader because of his skills. Yakuza Shigezo, the head of a rich powerful opposition gang hires a bodyguard with similar skills as Zatoichi with the aim of creating equality in militant powered between the two rivalry groups. However, Zatoichi manages to destroy Yakuza’s body guard and his entire army and fulfills his quest of protecting Ginzo town and avenging the death of the two geisha sibling’s father. In the Japanese culture, the samurai is a legendary term used to refer to a wars hero who represents the rights of the oppressed minority. Zatoichi is a film that portrays the exact description of the Japanese culture through the display of a blind Japanese warrior and his quest to free Ginzo town from oppression by a local Yakuza gang war that has forced residents of the town to pay excessive amount of money for their protection. In this case, the film perpetuates that the term Samurai is a symbolic version of peace ins pired by war heroes in the Japanese

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Philosophy In The Matrix Movies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Philosophy In The Matrix Movies - Essay Example The Matrix movies explore Plato’s idea of reality as an illusion, particularly depicted in his â€Å"Allegory of the Cave.† In this literary work, a cave of people imprisoned in a distinct manner since conception is Plato’s depiction of this illusion. In this allegory, one prisoner escapes the imprisonment after being illuminated and liberated concurrently. This particular prisoner’s experience metaphorically indicates the procedure by which humans seldom free themselves from reality’s misconceptions and superficiality (Lawrence, 2004). In Enter   The Matrix, the matrix pulls Neo from a sort of cave from where he gets a glimpse of the truth about reality for the first time in his life. This experience makes him realize that everything he believed to be real was, in fact, an illusion, just like the prisoners in Plato's allegory. Plato adds that people who liberate themselves are obliged to tell the rest who are still in the â€Å"cave.†    In the first Matrix film, Neo fulfills this derivative when he makes it his priority to save humankind from ignorance and credulity.The Matrix movies explore Plato’s idea of reality as an illusion, particularly depicted in his â€Å"Allegory of the Cave.†   In this literary work, a cave of people imprisoned in a distinct manner since conception is Plato’s depiction of this illusion. In this allegory, one prisoner escapes the imprisonment after being illuminated and liberated concurrently.

Saturday, November 16, 2019

The Great Depression Essay Example for Free

The Great Depression Essay In 1932, the USA was in an economic depression. The Great Depression. President Hoover introduced the â€Å"Old Deal† to protect American industries by aiming to prevent the price of imported goods from being lower than the price of local goods. He felt it was up to individual Americans to sort out their own economic problems. With the failure of the Old Deal, Franklin D. Roosevelt offered a â€Å"New Deal† for America. The Democratic Party nominated Roosevelt to stand for president in 1932. Being more flexible and more willing to experiment the Hoover, Roosevelt won the 1932 elections, have more the 60% of the votes. Roosevelt’s New Deal focused on three things: Relief, Recovery and Reform. These aims were to bring relief to the poor, help the country recover to industry and agriculture, and to prevent another depression by introducing social reforms. The New Deal was not a set plan or strategy, but rather a series of improvisations and experiments to survive the depression and preserve capitalism. During the Great Depression, many banks had failed, wiping out families savings. People had lost confidence in the banks. To restore this confidence, on his second day of office, Roosevelt declared a four-day â€Å"Banking Holiday†, where he closed all the banks in order to re-organise themselves. Congress passed the Emergency Banking Relief Act, which only allowed banks with enough money and properly managed accounts to re-open. Roosevelt explained the complexities of the banking problem to the public in his first â€Å"fire-side chat†. This restored the people’s confidence in the banks. The Depression also made the level of unemployment sky-rocket. To fix this problem, Roosevelt launched many new agencies with the Works Progress Administration (WPA), which created four million new jobs during the 1930’s. Some of these agencies were the AAA, CCC, SEC, FERA and the SSA. The Agricultural Adjustment Administration (AAA) made the government pay farmers not to work. This caused prices to rise and halted overproduction. The Federal Emergency Relief Administration (FERA) gave direct relief ($) to those who needed it. The Social Securities Act (SSA) was established to provide old-age pensions for workers, survivor’s benefits for victims of industrial accidents, unemployment insurance and aid for dependent mothers and children, the blind and physically disabled. The SSA received its funds from government taxes. Although Roosevelt was victoriously re-elected in 1936, his reform programme slowed. Factors, such as his failure to re-organise the Supreme Court to get more support for his policies, led to more opposition to government spending and taxes. This was his greatest mistake. Some of the positive out-comes of the New Deal was that it restored optimism and hope to American’s and provided the necessary relief to many. But, there were negative out-comes as well. Of these was that it did not really fix the depression and it left the nation with much debt. It also left people too dependent on the government.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Tuesday, November 12, 2019


Questions: 1. How many users will we be having? 2. How many different departments will we be having? 3. Which departments will need what permissions as far as access to computers, printers, and scanners? 4. Will everyone be at one site or will we have multiple buildings? 5. And what is our budget for designing the new AD DS infrastructure. 6. Should we buy physical servers for each location? 7. Should we create multiple domains for each department? My answers: I would say that the amount of users we have is about 200.And we will have plenty of room to expand in case we ever need to expand up to another 300 Users if we need to. And we will only have 5 departments (IT, H. R, Distribution, Maintenance, and Staff). As far as what departments permissions go we will have to sit with all department heads and come up with a valuable plan to benefit everyone. And since we are in a trucking distribution company named Spike’s Distro. We will only have one site for our infrastructure.The reason being is because we only have one building that everyone works out of. Our budget for creating this new infrastructure is going to be $35,000 to buy all the servers and switches needed including the computers to hold the active directory and domain servers. And we should buy physical servers as they are more efficient than virtual servers are. We should only create one domain per department. The only time we will need to create more is if we expand to more than one building. Nt1330 Questions: 1. How many users will we be having? 2. How many different departments will we be having? 3. Which departments will need what permissions as far as access to computers, printers, and scanners? 4. Will everyone be at one site or will we have multiple buildings? 5. And what is our budget for designing the new AD DS infrastructure. 6. Should we buy physical servers for each location? 7. Should we create multiple domains for each department? My answers: I would say that the amount of users we have is about 200.And we will have plenty of room to expand in case we ever need to expand up to another 300 Users if we need to. And we will only have 5 departments (IT, H. R, Distribution, Maintenance, and Staff). As far as what departments permissions go we will have to sit with all department heads and come up with a valuable plan to benefit everyone. And since we are in a trucking distribution company named Spike’s Distro. We will only have one site for our infrastructure.The reason being is because we only have one building that everyone works out of. Our budget for creating this new infrastructure is going to be $35,000 to buy all the servers and switches needed including the computers to hold the active directory and domain servers. And we should buy physical servers as they are more efficient than virtual servers are. We should only create one domain per department. The only time we will need to create more is if we expand to more than one building.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Gentrification in a Global Context

April 3, 2013 ENG11 Professor: Jonathan Katz Student: Darina Markyanova Draft#1. Essay #3 Gentrification. Gentrification is believed to have occurred as early as the 1870’s in Europe, and later on its spreads out in North America and Australia. However, it was first observed in 1964 in Camden Town, North London by Ruth Glass. She is found an actual term and clearly describe its definition. â€Å"Gentrification is a renewal of an urban area, accompanied by displacement of poorer residence by more affluent ones† (Williams 547).As known gentrification it’s a process that has been marred by a lot of controversy, but I believe it’s have a positive influence on any neighborhood and its community. However, some would disagree with that, because gentrification also has a negative influence on previous residents, who usually becomes a victim of displacement. Consequently, gentrification has two sides: it could be positive and negative. â€Å"Maria Marquez, 37, has slept on the sofa for past 12 years to give her mother and son two bedrooms in their apartment in Chicago’s gentrifying Logan Square area.But eventually, she says, we’re gonna get kicked out. It’s a matter of time. † (Hampson 1). Displacement of lower class residents appear through process of gentrification. It happens when urban developers transform low income neighborhoods into new and upscale communities. This is result in the eviction of the poor from their affordable housing as these urban developers target to replace them with wealthier tenants. Often these old, broken buildings that requires multiple repairs and renovations quickly been replaced by luxury homes as loft apartments and condominiums.In the fact that most of the original low income tenants cannot afford to live and pay for the new houses, so they are forced to move into lower social communities. As low class social residents move out, businesses that served them also forced to either s ell out to richer companies that can serve the new wealthier tenants or to completely close down. â€Å"99-cent stores †¦bodegas are gone. There’s large delis now†¦ inexpensive beer – you can’t even buy that in the stores. The stores have imported beers from Germany†¦ feta cheese instead of sharp Cheddar cheese.That’s a whole other world. † These tremendous changes forces some people to leave theirs gentrified neighborhood and look for new home else where. On the other hand those new upscale communities becoming a safer and cleaner place to live due to garbage pick ups, intensive police enforcements; necessary presence of door mans and well maintained properties by handy man. â€Å"The gang bangers are not around as much, and you don’t see the prostitutes on the corners like used to†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Hampson 4). This is shows that quality of life tremendously had changed and improved.However, even though the idea of gentrificati on might have some good for the development of urban poor areas, it comes with its pitfalls which include possibility of that crime will go up. For example, many poor and young individuals in more populated environments with rich residents will be urging to get involved in social vices overrides and commitments of crimes. Finally the frustration that follows on the eviction of the previous tenants usually results in confrontation between new tenants and the old tenants who see the new ones as the root to all their problems.As a result rich residents become to considering the people in the ghettos as potential criminals. Meanwhile previous residents is feeling neglect by the central government, because over the years ghetto have been enforced and put under intense surveillance of low flying helicopters and 24 hours police ground patrols. This has led to restrictions and curfews on residents on the ghettos. The fact that heavy police presence around ghettos has aggravated the already soar relations between ghetto and the more affluent tenants.As prove to this â€Å"†¦ the police are now here to protect ‘them’ and not ‘us’†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Lee 2). This is having led to complete segregation of these two sets of population. The rich are unable to go ghettos out of fear of being harmed while the ghetto cannot go into rich neighborhoods out of fear of arrests by law enforcing officers who have been placed in these locations to prevent any accidents that could happen to the rich. Today gentrification has been identified in almost every industrial country.It happens everywhere and the truth is – if community is close by to the area that under development, eventually it will get gentrified in the countless time. Besides changes that affiliated with gentrification usually positive, for all of that, as I stated above countless number of evidences and factors why gentrification is so superior and so beneficial for any community that dev elops and grows. Though this is may be controversy as usually poor residents get â€Å"lost† and divided into two opposite cultural and social levels in their area, where they were lived and grow up.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Qualitative and quantative research is to analyze and interpret data Essays

Qualitative and quantative research is to analyze and interpret data Essays Qualitative and quantative research is to analyze and interpret data Essay Qualitative and quantative research is to analyze and interpret data Essay Qualitative and quantitative research designs are used to roll up, analyze and interpret informations so that more meaningful information is obtained. Qualitative research efforts to set up a mostly narrative, and holistic description to enable the research worker understand about a given cultural or societal phenomenon. A qualitative research is conducted within natural scenes with the usage of interviews, paperss reappraisals, and observations which can be used at the same clip. Qualitative research has got many features including being inductive, subjective and being realistic among other features. Qualitative research uses purposeful type of trying to roll up informations. Quantitative research is the orderly experimental probe of phenomena and quantitative belongingss and their relationships. Quantitative research is loosely used in societal scientific disciplines for case, sociology, political scientific discipline, psychological science and anthropology. The quantitative research designs are either experimental or descriptive. Quantitative research is characterized by being deductive, nonsubjective, and usage of Numberss. It uses random trying to obtain informations from a given population. Qualitative research design Qualitative research can be defined as the system of question that attempts to set up a mostly narrative, and holistic description to enable the research worker understand about a given cultural or societal phenomenon. A qualitative research is conducted within natural scenes with the usage of interviews, paperss reappraisals, and observations which can be used at the same clip. Therefore a qualitative research design is a program for assemblage and using the qualitative information for the coveted information to be obtained with equal preciseness or in order for the void hypothesis to be tested in the right manner. Qualitative research covers many signifiers of enquiry that are of import in understanding and explicating the significance of societal phenomena with really small perturbation to the natural scenes if any. The signifiers of enquiry include realistic enquiry, field survey, interpretive research, instance survey, descriptive anthropology, participant observation, and induc tive research ( Maxwell, 2005 ) . Qualitative survey has got several features and they include realistic enquiry, holistic position, inductive analysis, qualitative information, personal contact and penetration, alone instance orientation, dynamic systems, empathic neutrality, context sensitiveness, subjectiveness and design flexibleness. Naturalistic enquiry is concerned with analyzing state of affairss in the real-world without pull stringsing or upseting the participants, and holding an observation on what takes topographic point such that the facts are accepted as they unfold. Naturalistic enquiry goes beyond mensurable or touchable variables to focus on on the research participants societal buildings. Social buildings are the merchandises of sense devising, intending doing mental activities in which human existences take part as a consequence of interaction with others. Social buildings are critical since they can find the response of persons or groups to state of affairss, interactions, and events that they encounter. It is non the event, interaction, or state of affairs which influences the response of an single, but instead the point of view, societal location, age, gender, societal category, values, beliefs, and attitudes determines their response ( Ritchie A ; Lewis, 2003 ) . The holistic position is another feature of qualitative survey. It is concerned with scrutiny of the whole phenomenon as a many-sided system. Inductive analysis is a characteristic of qualitative research in which an person is involved in blossoming informations, in order to detect the concealed interrelatednesss and dimensions every bit good as analyzing the unfastened inquiries. Unique instance orientation is a feature in which each and every single instance is given value and examined closely, with the thought of roll uping the inside informations of the instances which predominate. Qualitative research design is subjective such that the research worker is actively involved in the state of affairs of research ( Ritchie A ; Lewis, 2003 ) . With qualitative research, a type of trying called purposeful sampling is used to roll up informations for analysis. Purposeful is a type of trying that picks out information that is rich in instances for the intent of in-depth survey. This information that is rich in instances is one that provides a research worker with a great trade of issues refering cardinal importance to the purpose of research. There are many types of purposeful trying viz. , strength sampling, extreme and aberrant instance sampling, maximal fluctuation sampling, typical instance sampling, homogenous sampling, stratified purposeful sampling, concatenation or sweet sand verbena sampling, critical instance sampling, standard sampling, timeserving sampling, corroborating and disconfirming instance sampling, operational sampling, assorted purposeful sampling, and convenience sampling ( Maxwell, 2005 ) . The purposeful sampling is a really of import technique in qualitative research since it increases the effectivity of a plan as the research worker reaches the lower socioeconomic groups. The research worker can now larn much more by sing in deepness on understanding the involvements, inducements, and demands of a little figure of carefully chosen unfortunate households such that it is economical and really enlightening. The research worker will be able to concentrate on the typical cases which can expose a broad assortment ( Ritchie A ; Lewis, 2003 ) . Quantitative research design Quantitative research can be defined as the orderly experimental probe of phenomena and quantitative belongingss and how they are related. The purpose of quantitative research is to construct up and use the theories, hypotheses, and mathematical theoretical accounts holding to make with phenomena. The measuring procedure is cardinal to quantitative research since it offers the cardinal connexion between the mathematical looks of quantitative dealingss and the empirical observations. Quantitative research is loosely used in societal scientific disciplines for case, sociology, political scientific discipline, psychological science and anthropology. In quantitative research, the research worker s purpose is to happen out the relationship between an independent variable and the result or dependant variable within a population. The quantitative research designs are either experimental or descriptive. In a descriptive survey, topics are usually measured one time and the survey establishes simply the relationships between different variables while in an experimental survey the topics are evaluates before and after an intercession and the survey establishes causality ( Creswell, 2003 ) . There are three major types of quantitative research designs viz. , descriptive, quasi-experimental, and experimental research design. A descriptive research design is designed to obtain adequate information sing a certain feature in a given field of survey. It is possible for a descriptive survey to assist in developing theory, placing jobs utilizing current pattern, warranting the current pattern and in doing judgements sing what other may be making while in similar state of affairss. The quasi-experimental designs are meant to give alternate agencies to analyze causality in those state of affairss which are non favourable to experimental control. The experimental research design is designed to promote the highest sum of control in order for the causality to be examined closely ( Punch, 2005 ) . Quantitative research is normally characterized by being deductive, nonsubjective, and can utilize Numberss. Bing deductive agencies that quantitative research trials theory. Quantitative research is nonsubjective because the research worker is believed to obtain, analyze and construe a quantitative information or information, while being isolated. Quantitative research uses the informations that can be structured in signifier of numerical values or that can be converted into Numberss instantly ( Creswell, 2003 ) . Random sampling is a technique that is used during the quantitative research, and it deals with taking a figure of observations which are independent, from a given chance distribution without prosecuting any existent population. A sample is an point selected from a given population under survey, for investigational intents. A random sample is the point that is selected by a technique affecting an irregular constituent. Some times random fluctuations occur, which means that the sample does non stand for the population from which is obtained, and this is referred to as trying mistake. The different types of trying include simple random sampling, stratified sampling, and bunch sampling ( Punch, 2005 ) . In simple random sampling, a sample is chosen such that all samples with similar size are given an equal opportunity of being chosen from the population under probe. Stratified sampling is concerned with taking independent samples from different groups, strata, or subpopulations in a given population under probe. In graded sampling, wise stratification brings about efficiency. Cluster sampling is concerned with taking the sample units within a group under probe ( Creswell, 2003 ) . Differences between quantitative and qualitative research designs Both qualitative and quantitative designs are systematic since to measure up for a specifying rule of research the designs must hold a system. The quantitative research is believed to be nonsubjective while qualitative research is thought to be subjective. It is believed that, in obtaining, analysing and construing a quantitative information or information, the research worker can remain on stray and nonsubjective. This is non the instance with qualitative research since with this type of research the research worker actively involved within the state of affairs of research. Quantitative research is deductive while most qualitative research is inductive. Bing deductive, quantitative research trials theory while the qualitative research generates theory and hence inductive. By the usage of quantitative designs of research, research workers normally obtain consequences that can be easy generalized while the qualitative designs of research normally produce the consequences that are non easy to generalise. Quantitative research uses the informations that can be structured in signifier of numerical values or that can be converted into Numberss instantly while qualitative research uses informations that can non be transported instantly into numerical values.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Definition and Examples of a Fortiori

Definition and Examples of a Fortiori An argument in which a rhetor reaches a conclusion by first setting up two possibilities, one of which is more probable than the other. Whatever can be affirmed about the less probable can be affirmed with even greater force about the more probable. Etymology From the Latin, from the stronger Examples and Observations Remember the commercial for Life Cereal, the one where the brothers experiment on picky little Mikey? If Mikey liked it, the boys figured, anyone would. Thats an argument a fortiori: If something less likely is true, then something more likely will probably be true as well.(Jay Heinrich, If Bill Had Great Interns, Then Hillary . . . Figures of Speech Served Fresh, August 1, 2005) The concept underlying this phrase can be illustrated thus: if you do not trust your child to safely operate a bicycle, then a fortiori, you do not trust him to operate an automobile.This with stronger reason argument implies a comparison of values. The argument is grounded on the common sense (and logical) convention that within the same category the greater includes the lesser (or, if you will, the stronger includes the weaker). Do not let the use of the word includes mislead you. Because one person is taller than another does not mean the other is included within the one. The comparison is not between physical things, but between the relative values of actions, relationships, principles, or rules. When you make or analyze this type of argument, do not mix apples and oranges. The comparison should be one of factually like things and be factually meaningful. The objects of the comparison must share essential factual elements if they are to be of like kind. You may not trust your chi ld to operate a bicycle safely, but that does not necessarily mean that he cannot be trusted to bring in the groceries.(Ron Villanova, Legal Methods: A Guide for Paralegals and Law Students. Llumina Press, 1999) It is an argument a fortiori, from the stronger. If I show you that two is less than ten then it is easy to persuade you a fortiori that two is less than twenty. If I show you that what you think is a burden of the welfare state is actually small, or badly estimated, or a benefit, then it is less difficult to persuade you that rolling back the welfare state requires sober thinking about the alternatives.(Stephen Ziliak, review of The Economic Consequences of Rolling Back the Welfare State. Journal of Economic Literature, March 2001) I feel that it is my civic duty to pay my taxes as well as my other bills, and that it is my moral duty to make an honest declaration of my income to the income tax authorities. But I do not feel that I and my fellow citizens have a religious duty to sacrifice our lives in war on behalf of our own state, and, a fortiori, I do not feel that we have an obligation or a right to kill and maim citizens of other states or to devastate their land.(Arnold Toynbee) Pronunciation: a-FOR-tee-OR-ee

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Financial Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words - 1

Financial Management - Essay Example The financing policy should be designed in a way that it maximizes the wealth of the shareholders while minimizing the overall cost of capital. Equity The equity shares are also referred to as ‘ordinary shares’. The equity shareholders also referred to as ‘ordinary shareholders’ who share the risk as well as reward associated with the corporate ownership. Unlike preference shares the equity shares do not carry any preference with respect to redemption and income. As the equity shareholders are exposed to greater risks and do not enjoy any specified preferential rights, the equity holders are entitled to a higher share in the business profits in the form of high dividends as compared to the payments made to the preferential shareholders. However, the declaration of dividend is at the discretion of the directors’. Types of equity shares The equity shares are of the following types- With voting rights Without voting rights With differential voting rights with respect to dividend payments or voting, as per any prescribed rules and conditions. The shares with the feature of â€Å"differential voting rights† cannot be more than 25% of the company’s Total Issued Share Capital. The corporate can raise additional funds, without diluting the ownership interest of the existing shareholders through the issue of â€Å"non-voting equity shares†. ... In the event of dividend failure, the non-voting class of shares will automatically get pro-rata voting rights until there is resumption in dividend payments (Guruswamy, p.51). Merits & demerits of equity An important benefit arising from the issue of equity is that it does not create any fixed obligations. The dividends paid on the equity shares are at the discretion of the management and therefore it does not create any legal bindings. In the initial stages, the company may not be in a position to withstand fixed contractual obligations. For this reason, the equity issue is the most preferred route of issuing funds as it does not create any financial burden on the company. However, a high level of equity can dilute the ‘ownership’. It is argued that the equity shareholders interfere in the business affairs thereby delaying crucial business decisions. Moreover, the managers have to seek approval of the majority shareholders at the time of making important business decis ions. This leads to excessive delays. Benefits & Risks of voting & non-voting equity The main advantage of non-voting shares is that it overcomes the problem of dilution of ownership as these classes of shares do not have any voting rights. This class of shares tackles the problems related with other class of shares such as the ordinary shares or voting shares. The latter class of shareholders seeks high returns on their invested funds both in the form of high dividends and capital appreciation. Due to this, the non-voting shares are said to have a popular and ready market. In fact, this class of shares is similar to preference shares in terms of absence of voting rights but unlike preference